Effects of Exercising on Our Body

Did you know that in 2010, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported high numbers, counting 65.7% of American adults as overweight, and 17% of American children, and according to the CDC, 63% of teenage girls become overweight by age 11. Now, in 2019, the number of overweight people is still growing! A study shown by Dr. Eva B. Cwynar in the journal “Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics” reported that inactive people suffer from fatigue and high stress levels. All of this could be prevented simply by frequent exercise. Now these are just some benefits of exercising. In fact, exercising brings much more benefits to our body, not only physically, but also mentally.

One of the benefits that exercising brings to our body is developing your muscles and bones. Bones are living tissue. Physical activities, such as weight lifting and calisthenics, or even sports, such as basketball and football, causes new bone tissue to form and this makes bones stronger. Physical activities can also increase muscle mass. Now, this raises the question, what is muscle mass? Well simply the more muscle mass you have, the bigger your muscles get. Finally, regular exercise can also prevent bone loss at an older age.

Another benefit that exercising brings to our body is increasing your energy levels. Exercising increases endorphin levels, which is a hormone that makes us perform and move. Besides that, exercising can also significantly increase energy levels for people suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFD) and other serious illnesses. Not only that, but regular physical activity also increases the blood flow to your body and improves your cardiovascular health and fitness. This will allow more blood and oxygen to get to the body providing energy to do work.

Finally, exercising can reduce your risk of chronic disease. For people with high blood pressure, exercise can lower your risk of dying of heart disease and lower the risk of heart disease progressing. Often, exercising can also help control the frequency and severity of asthma attacks. Besides that, exercise can also reduce pain, help maintain muscle strength in affected joints and reduce joint stiffness for people who suffer from arthritis.

From the points mentioned above, we suggest that people should exercise more because it brings a lot of beneficial effects to our body. Besides the points we have explained above, exercising also brings other benefits, such as improving your skin health, increasing your memory, and it even can help with relaxation and sleep quality. So all in all, people should exercise more in order to improve the physical and mental state of our body.

Written by: Nicholas Suhardi & Thomas Joe G.


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