Hi SMAK 5 students! Final exam is right around the corner, and many student assume that the final exam is difficult. They assume the finals are hard because they lack of preparation. The truth is everything can be easy if we can prepare for it well and this also applies in facing the finals. But I believe that many of us still don’t know how to prepare for it. In this article, I will tell you how to study and prepare for the finals so that we can get good results.

1. Don’t study the night before

When you are going to face an exam, try not to study with a one-night study system or we know it as sistem kebut semalam. Because, it will only lessen your rest time. Lack of rest time will certainly have an impact on the next day when ylu do your exams.

You will feel disturbed by drowsiness and losing focus during the exam. In fact, a body that lacks rest will make you panic quicker so that when you face an easy question, it will look difficult.
That would happen because your brain is not working optimally. Lack of rest results in reduced oxygen intake to the brain and your brain's performance slows down. The lack of brain performance will make you often feel empty-minded when reading questions. You also work twice to re-read and understand the exam questions.

2. Healthy body, healthy mind

Another tip to prepare for an exam is that you have to have a fit body. Therefore, you need enough rest. Don’t stay up late often and also prevent doing activities that would drain your energy excessively.

Try having a right sleep pattern a couple of weeks before the finals. In that way, when the finals arrive, your body will adapt to the new sleeping pattern.

Before you face the test, don't forget to have breakfast. With enough food and drink, you have enough energy to do the exam. But remember, don't overdo it too. If your condition is too full, instead of working on the problem optimally, you will become sleepy. And also don't drink too much if you don't want to go back and forth to the restroom.

Just keep your breakfast with the ideal menu and drink as needed, for example eat a sandwich and a glass of milk. With portions like this, the stomach is at least 'filled' but not too full.

3. Pray, pray, and pray

After we study and prepare ourselves for the test, there is one important thing that must be done, which is praying. Praying can provide confidence and serenity when we are facing the exams. We must also realize that we must rely God in everything we do, including examinations.

 That's a number of ways and tips for dealing with exams. let us learn and prepare for the test, for a better future. I hope this article can help you. Thank you! May God be with you!

Jeremiah 17:5 and 7 (NIV) 
5 Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere fleshand whose heart turns away from the Lord 
But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. 

Written by: Ray H
Editor : Michella Eleanor


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