The Danger of Marine Pollution

3 Fun Ways to Enjoy Singapore's Marine Life | Shape Singapore
Nowadays pollution are everywhere especially in the marine section. For example, in the ocean there are many plastic that floats around and it harms all the living creature of the sea. Marine pollution can bring bunch of devastating effect.
Marine pollution damages the sea environment. It causes disruption to the cycle of coral reefs because coral reefs need clean water to survive, and when pollutants hit the water the coral reefs get covered by it and from that coral reefs become more open to diseases, it can impact the growth and the reproduction of the coral reefs, and bring changes to the food structure of the coral reefs. And from pollution it can reduces the oxygen content in water, because when material is mixed with water there will be microorganism and that microorganism will use all the available oxygen so the more material that gets into the water the more microorganism that will use the oxygen and because of that all the harmless microorganism could die and there will be only the harmful microorganism left and that harmful microorganism are harmful to environment, animals, and humans, because they can cause many disease. And pollution in the water or ocean not only all the toxin and the substance that we can’t see with our bare eyes but it also meant all the stuffs that we throw to the water that take a long time to decompose, for example, single use plastic, cans, styrofoam, and many more. And all of that stuffs can threaten the life of sea animals because sea animals can accidentally swallow all of that stuffs and bring disruption to their body and their health, and it can also get stuck on their movement organs and make them suffer to move.
Not only it damages the sea environment it also can effect our live. It impact our water supplies because it contaminate water quality and food chain. When the water get effected by the microorganism, toxin, chemicals, pesticide, and all of the other stuffs that pollute the water, the water become dangerous to human health. And it can contaminate our food chain because pollutants are consumed by tiny animals and that tiny animals are consumed by fish and it get consumed by other animals in the higher rank of food chain and also can be eaten by humans because we also eat fish. And from that contaminate water quality and food chain can causes many diseases, for example, Cholera, Dysentry, and many other diseases.
And marine pollution can causes long term damages if it doesn’t be fixed. For example, there will be more beaches that will get contaminate by pollution, it will happen if we don’t decrease the use of single use plastic or chemicals or other stuffs that can bring pollution to the ocean. Then if our water get contaminated by pollution it’s not longer fresh or usable because the water may content dangerous chemicals that can be dangerous for our body. And also sea animals may be extinct in the future because their environment has already been damaged so they no longer have habitat they can live in and it also can be a problem for itself because, for example, single use plastic bags, plastic straws, or other stuffs that take such a long time to decompose can end up in their digestive system or maybe it can interrupt their movement and it can make them die because of it.
In conclusion we should be aware of marine pollution and we should decrease it. There are many way to decrease it and a way to do it is we should try to stop using single use plastic bags, straws, and other stuffs that take long time to decompose and try to substitute that with product that are eco-friendly.  
Written by Carlene Beata/ XI-MIPA 4


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