Your 2021’s Resolution Makes the World Better

New Year, new resolution. This New Year’s celebration was celebrated modestly. No shopping, staying at our own houses, skipped family gatherings, and most importantly less festive fireworks. Most of us felt very fed-up with this condition but it doesn’t mean you can let the “new year” spirit down. If you feel like you had done some of things that was mentioned in the beginning, then great job! By doing those, you had participated to make the world better. How is that even possible?

The year 2020 had taught us how to think innovatively and creatively. With a lot of restrictions, we come up with new ideas instead. We shift our face-to-face activities to virtual meetings. Virtual meeting isn’t always bad, in advance we could invite people from far places effortlessly which we barely could do for an offline event. We don’t need to book a huge venue to hold a big event with a lot of audience, it is possible with just 1 device.

Seeing the bright side of 2020 should motivate us to be more productive. However, others might think the opposite, especially for medical personnel and small businesses. Medical personnel risk their lives to save people that was infected with Covid19, not only lives, but they sacrifice their families to help others. So do small businesses that were forced to stop their activities because of the limitation. They have families and beloved ones that should be taken care of.

Staying at home isn’t a hard thing for us compared to the frontliners. We still can study with ease at home and do our daily activities with no burden. So with an open heart, let’s pray for 2021 to become a better year. The year 2020 had been an extraordinary year, facing 2021 should be followed with an extraordinary spirit too!


Written by Kenisha Arvianetta Sutantio XII MIPA 5

Edited by Margareta Adi Putri XII MIPA 2


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