It's A Fresh Start of The Year!

Happy New Year 2022! New Year's celebrations will also usually be accompanied by making new resolutions. Are you one of them? Resolution is described as a fresh start to make yourself better again.

However, it's useless to make New Year's resolutions if you're not ready to make them happen, right? In fact, according to a study conducted by the University of Scranton, only 8% of people make their resolutions a reality. Come on, be part of the 8% earlier by following these tips


1. Start small

Start by setting realistic targets and make sure you can achieve them. Usually, small steps will actually reap greater success. Setting targets that are too ambitious will overwhelm you or even frustrate you. On the other hand, by setting more logical targets, you have the possibility to realize bigger resolutions.


2. Make a specific list

Your resolution must be clear and specific. Don't just say, "I want to lose weight" or "I want to get better grades." Make a target, how much weight you want to lose or what ranking you want in the next semester, and so on.


3. Tell your friends and family your resolution for support

Support from friends and family will make you more committed to making resolutions. Dr. John Michael, a philosopher from the University of Warwich said, social pressure will make us more committed to promises. So, there's nothing wrong with telling some friends your 2022 resolutions, because they could be your support system for achieving your goals.


4. Do not be afraid to fail

Once you stumble, don't let it discourage you! Too afraid of failure can cause your resolution not to be achieved. When you experience failure, stop for a moment and evaluate yourself. If your goals are still too ambitious, then try to break them down into more realistic goals.


5. Give yourself a reward

Rewards or awards can be an encouragement and keep you focused on realizing your resolutions. It could be a motivation for you to fulfill more goals in life.


6. Be patient in the process

Remember, nothing you can get instantly! All of course requires a process and struggle that you have to endure patiently. The same goes for your New Year's resolutions. The changes you make in your New Year's resolutions can take a long time or fast depending on how hard you try to achieve them.

Written by Jessica Virna XISOS2




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