This Month, ‘May’ We Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month

May is mental health awareness month, so let me ask you a question, “How are you?” This question is often asked without much thought, so ask yourself again truly, how are you? This question allows you to reflect on yourself, especially your mental health. Sometimes, you might feel like the world is ending, and it is okay to feel that way sometimes, accept and allow yourself to be upset, just know that those feelings won’t last forever even if you feel like it will.

Take your time to heal by having conversations with your loved ones and have times to focus on yourself. Not only this month, but everyday, we can support others while also helping ourselves. In this country, mental health issues are often seen as something shameful, but mental health issues are nothing to be ashamed of. While we are still humans, our mind, heart, and body can always feel jaded. So do not feel hesitant to ask for help if you need one. Whether you are aware of it or not, mental health issues are very common in this world, it’s likely that someone you know could be dealing with mental health issues.

In fact, mental illnesses always come in different forms and symptoms. For example, someone who is dealing with great depression can still be seen as joyful, this example can be taken from the famous actor and comedian Robin Williams, whom people always described as cheerful and positive, died by taking his own life. Therefore, we should stop stereotyping mental health issues, instead we should always be aware of it in others and ourselves.

Yet awareness without actions are still nothing but the beginning. There are still a lot that we need after raising awareness. We can start off from the simplest action, like always checking up with your loved ones, to help build access to treatment for everyone who needs it.

If you or someone you know needs support, do not be ashamed to seek and ask for it. This May, we all encourage you to prioritize your mental health. We also hope this month and the upcoming months can always bring all of us healing, hope, forgiveness, understanding, and love.

Written by Hilary Hanna Glorius XS2


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