The Importance of Body Image



What is body image and why is it important? Body image is how an individual sees, feels, and perceives their own body. Many people are self conscious about their body image, they wonder why they have to look in certain ways and not the idealized body types. The way they think about their own body can influence many things, that is why having the right body image is vital. Society has always taught us the importance of beauty but not the importance of how we see our own beauty. Many factors often shape the way we view ourselves, but the biggest role is played by social media. Social media is a platform filled with people presenting in their best selves, we often compare ourselves to them and it could imprint many negative messages on our own body. 


A negative body image can set unrealistic expectations of how we should look and it eventually will lead us to develop an unhealthy lifestyle. A negative body image could be found in someone who is always monitoring their weight, height, or their appearance in general. Someone with a negative body image also often feels ashamed of their own physique, they constantly compare themselves with others, they feel like they don’t belong in their own body, they see parts of their body in a distorted way, and they force themselves to look in ways they find more desirable. A negative body image can also play a big part in developing mental health issues, such as eating disorders. 


We can improve and fight negative body image in many methods. Start by wearing comfortable clothes that you feel good in, take a break from social media, unfollow accounts that reduce your self esteem, find and spend time with communities that can help you improve your body image, appreciate what your body can do, be critical of media that make you feel as if you should be different, and last treat something nice to your own body. 


Always remember that your appearance doesn’t make you whole, so how can you ever be broken by it? Beauty has such more complex meanings than just physical appearance. Remember that social media doesn’t show the full picture of someone’s life, don’t let what others look get in your head. Practice self love as each day goes by. You are worth more than how you look! Lastly, always be kind to yourself and others.





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