Craving Academic Validation

By Cathleen Tania Maksum XIS1

For some students, school can serve as a second home, a place filled with friends, laughter and love. As for other students, school is a warzone. A competitive environment where they strive to be at the top ranks. 

While some people comment that academic validation is a positive way to motivate yourself. It can also be very impactful on your mental health. Imagine going to school for 9 hours of studying only to go back home and study some more. This will eventually lead to never-ending stress. Some may even harm themselves or even commit suicide. A study shows that around 5,000 thousand of students commit suicide each year due to academic stress. With a mindset of "If i dont succeed in school, then I have no reason to live". Feeling the need to excel more in school to be accepted isn't the best for your mental health. 

Why do people crave academic validation? 

Academic validation can begin at a very young age. This usually happens when parents or teachers show more interest in a young child's academic performance more than in their mental growth. This could lead to a child growing up with this mentality and constantly seeking external validation to feel accepted or loved. When a student is constantly praised for their academics, it is easy to become addicted to this cycle of gaining praise.

Those who crave academic validation and only define themselves through academic validation, tend to burden themselves with unnecessary thoughts. 

"My future depends on my grades"

"Maybe if I had studied more, I would've passed." 

"I feel this constant need to get perfect grades and be flawless with my work" 

Is it really worth all that stress? 

When was the last time you felt proud of yourself? 

Remember, it is okay to fail. Your scores don't define your future. In the end, your hard work is all that matters. You don't have to be flawless. Be free and be yourself.


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