Belsnickel! Naughty or nice?

Who doesn't know Santa Claus? The old man with the long white beard carried a red sack full of presents for the good children and gave coals to the naughty children. Or even Krampus, a terrifying demonic figure who terrifies misbehaving children. But have you heard of Belsnickel?

Originating in the Palatinate region of Europe, it is believed to be based on a companion or servant of none other than Saint Nicholas himself. He often wears animal fur, dirty and worn clothes, and sometimes deer antlers on his head, hence the word "bels" for fur in German and "nickel" from St. Nicholas.

Unlike Santa Claus, Belsnickel travels alone and arrives home a week or two before Christmas, but they also share some similarities in visiting children and whether they deserve the treatment or punishment they deserve. law or not. He has a switch for the naughty kids and lots of cakes, candies and nuts for the good kids. As soon as he arrived, the children were asked to answer his questions or sing him a song. In return, he throws cakes, candies, and nuts on the ground. If children dive greedily for the treats or can`t recount their good behavior throughout the year, the Belsnickel will threaten to swat their hands or back with his switch. The well-mannered boys and girls get rewarded with the treats.  The Belsnickel`s visit serves to remind children that they still have time to stay out of mischief before Christmas Day and to think twice before misbehaving.

When people from the Palatinate region immigrated to Pennsylvania, they brought their German traditions with them. Belsnickel was known in Pennsylvania in the early 1800s. Amongst the Pennsylvania Germans, Belsnickel is the character who visits homes prior to Christmas to check up on the behavior of the children. The traditional Belsnickel showed up at houses 1–2 weeks before Christmas and often created fright because he always knew exactly which of the children misbehaved. He would rap on the door or window with his stick and often the children would have to answer a question for him or sing some type of song. In exchange, he would toss candies onto the floor. If the children jumped too quick for the treats, they may end up getting struck by Belsnickel's switch.

An 1853 article in a British journal describes a Pennsylvanian custom concerning "Pelsnichol, or Nicholas with the fur, alluding to the cloak skin he was supposed to wear. Some made Pelsnichol." identical to Krishkinkle, but more generally the idea that they are two characters, one avenging the good, the other punishing the evil." According to this article, Pelsnichol merely leaves a birch rod in the stockings of naughty children.

Written by Selena XI SOS 2


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