Toxic Beauty Standards
Beautiful or good looking people will always be admired by most people. You’d be lying if you say that you’ve never been attracted to a certain person simply because of how pretty they look. On the other hand, some people might even get jealous of people who look better than them. That’s where it starts to become a slightly negative habit. But today the main focus is on why someone could possibly feel such a way.
A lot of people would always want to look better than they already do and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. However, it becomes an issue if you start to feel insecure about yourself and start holding yourself to an unrealistic standard. One reason is because we are already so used to seeing people who are already above those beauty standards on national television, social media, and other places on the internet. We see models and actors who are undeniably beautiful and we start to compare ourselves to them, leading to the feeling of insecurity.
When people feel insecure about their looks, it’s not always their fault. There are people who hold other people to their own unrealistic standards. It’s pretty common we see people getting bullied or made fun of because of something they can’t really control, whether it’s their skin colour, body shape, or height. Not only the victim, but the people who see those comments would also start to feel self-conscious. People start to feel less and less confident about themselves, specifically about how they look. Some of those people would possibly go to unhealthy and even dangerous ways to look better. Which is why the beauty standard is so toxic and can be considered harmful to people, especially woman, who society has set for them live up to.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with trying to look better for other people, but don’t ever compare yourself to others. Like I said earlier in this blog, good looking people will always be admired. That includes everyone who knows how to admire themselves and don’t forget that the exact definition of beauty is different in everyone’s perspective. Which is why you’re beautiful, yes you, the person who actually had time to read this blog.
Written by Evan William XI MIPA 3
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